October 2nd, 2023

Peihang Benoit

Peihang Benoît (née Huang) explores time, space, memory and identity in her overall practice. She has created a poetic, personal language in paint of intimate, everyday perceptions whose roots are traceable back to her family history of displacement and her more recent migratory and cosmopolitan experiences. Reimagined narratives come to life in her paintings through a play of paint/brushstroke with everyday images -- iphone snapshots or images from her personal archive--and a collage-like process of image fracturing, discontinuity, overlay, and recontextualization. For Pei, the texture of the painting itself and the traces of movement on the canvas are an act of preservation and reflection of moments of consciousness.

Benoit holds both BA and MFA degree in Fine Art at National Taiwan Normal University, as well as an MA in Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. Her work has been exhibited internationally, among which the UK, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. She currently lives and works in Paris.


Charwei Tsai- November 18th, 2023


Marie-Aimée Fattouche - May 9th, 2023