November 18th, 2023

We had the pleasure of visiting Charwei’s studio on November 18th. The visit commenced with a concise presentation of her video works, placing particular emphasis on their exploration of social changes and collaborations with minority groups. We then transitioned into a discussion on works of a more intimate nature, including her recent ceramic pieces featured in an exhibition at Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. The conversation further delved into the future trajectory of this specific series, as well as exploring its connections across various media throughout her artistic practice.

Charwei Tsai

Born in 1980 in Taipei, Taiwan, she graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in Industrial Design and Art & Architectural History (2002) and has completed the postgraduate research program La Seine at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris (2010).

Highly personal yet universal concerns spur Tsai’s multi-media practice. Geographical, social, and spiritual motifs inform a body of work, which encourages viewer participation outside the confines of complacent contemplation. Preoccupied with the human/nature relationship, Tsai meditates on the complexities among cultural beliefs, spirituality, and transience.

She has had solo exhibitions internationally, Charwei Tsai has participated in Gwangju Biennale (2023); In the Present Moment at Banff Art Centre, Canada (2023); World Classroom at Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2023); Performance and screening at Forum Climat: quelle culture pour quel futur ? Centre Pompidou, Paris (2022); Screening and talk at Tate Modern, London (2022); Initiative for Practices and Visions of Radical Care: On Care and Resilience, Radio Lumbung, Documenta XV (2022); Listen to the Sound of the Earth Turning at Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2022); The Songs We Carry at Vernacular Institute, Mexico City (2021); Jogja Biennale (2019); Power of Intention at Rubin Art Museum, New York (2019); Charwei Tsai: Bulaubulau at Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA), Manchester (2018); 2050, A Brief History of the Future at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, in collaboration with RoyalMuseums of Fine Arts of Belgium (2018); Minimalism: Space, Light, Object, Art Science Museum in collaboration with National Gallery Singapore, Singapore (2018), Hear Her Singing, Commissioned by Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre, London (2017); Water Moon, Institute of Contemporary Art, Villeurbanne / Rhône-Alpes, France (2017); Biennale of Sydney (2016); Simple Shapes, Centre Pompidou-Metz, France (2014); Sharjah Biennial (2013); Phantoms of Asia at Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (2012); Yokohama Triennial (2011); Ruhrtriennale (2011); 6th Asia Pacific Triennial (2009);Traces of the Sacred at Centre Pompidou, Paris (2008); Thermocline of Art: New Asian Waves at ZKM Center of Art and Media, Karlsruhe (2007); Singapore Biennale (2006); and J’en Rêve at Cartier Foundation, Paris (2005).

Tsai’s works are in public and private collections including those held at Tate Modern, London ; the Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane ; Mori Art Museum, Tokyo ; Asian Art Museum, San Francisco ; M+ Collection Hong Kong ; Faurschou Fondation, Copenhagen ; Kadist Foundation, San Francisco & Paris ; Contemprorary Art Institute, Villeurbanne , Rhône-Alpes, France and FRAC Lorraine, France.


Sarah Knill-Jones-December 5th, 2023


Peihang Benoit-October 2nd, 2023